Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 1, Winter 2013 | Page 18

14 Populär Culture Review experienced that we have not yet enacted and fulfilled. The object races away from us even as we come to know it better. It is never exhausted, used up, known, and done with. If I experience an apple, there is always another vantage point from which I could see it, another profile it has to offer, another context in which it can appear with new meaning. I might study the apple from Here and There, sniff it, bite into it, or toss it back and forth from hand to hand. But even with a lifetime spent getting to know the apple there will always be more left to uncover, another experience I could have had but didn’t. The apple is never exhausted by my being conscious of it: it is outside of and beyond me, even if it finds its being in the infinite number of ways it can be given to consciousness. All of this is true for every object of consciousness, but for aesthetic objects there is something additional going on. The aesthetic object finds part of its being in the performative expression of the viewer.5 What Cezanne’s painted apples can mean is more than what they make present. In order to see this we must first accept a less-than-obvious truth: art does not represent. To say that art is not representational is to say that art does not replace, echo, or shadow something real as Plato might have feared. Abstract and conceptual art are typically understood to be non-representational, but the truth is that no art represents something other than what it is. A painting of an apple is not a sign of an apple. It does not denote or refer to an apple. Rather, it is an apple. A picture or image of something is one way in which that thing can be present to consciousness. If I look at an apple directly, taste an apple, remember an apple, imagine an apple, see a photograph of an apple, view a painting of an apple, or even think the word “apple,” the object of consciousness in each case is exactly the same: an apple. Each way of presencing merely carries v