Popular Culture Review Vol. 23, No. 1, Winter 2012 | Page 42

38 Popular Culture Review Whether on the page or on the screen, in 1890s London or in twenty-fourth century space, whether a man, holograph, or hulking sewer rat—Moriarty transcends Conan Doyle’s original creation. It’s time the scholarship caught up. The sheer volume of Sherlockiana is overwhelming, and yet, very little appears to have been written about the Great Detective’s arch-nemesis— especially as he appears beyond the confines of the canon. Despite his almost absence from the original stories. Professor James Moriarty continues to define—and to re define—not only Mr. Sherlock Holmes, but the entire landscape of the popular imagination as well. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Works Cited Sarah Pawlak “Elementary, Dear Data.” S tar Trek: The N ext G eneration. Writ. Brian Alan Lane. Dir. Rob Bowman. 1988. Web. Erisman, Fred and Wendy. “‘Data! Data! Data!:’ Holmesian Echoes in S tar Trek: The N ext Generation"" Sherlock Holmes: Victorian Sleuth to Modem Hero. London: The Scarecrow Press, 1996. Print. Goldman Jonathon E. “Extraordinary People: The Superhero Genre and Celebrity Culture in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”T77e R ise a n d R eason o f C om ics a n d G raph ic L iterature: C ritical E ssays on the Form . Ed. Joyce Goggin and Dan Hassler-Forest. North Carolina: MacFarland, 2010. Print. Harmon, Jim. “Sherlock Holmes.” R adio M ystery a n d A dventure a n d Its A ppearan ces in Film, Television, a n d O ther M edia. North Carolina: McFarland, 1992. Print. Jeffers, H. Paul. B loody Business: An A n ecdotal H istory o f S cotlan d Yard. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1992. Print. “Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch.” Futuram a. Writ. Bill Odenkirk. Dir. Wes Archer. 2003. Web. Klinger, Leslie S. “The Final Problem.” The N ew A n n otated Sherlock H olm es. Vol. I. New York: Norton, 2005. Print. Lehman, David. “Chapter 9: The Double.” The P erfect M urder: A Study in D etection. Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2011. Print. Moore, Alan. The L eague o f E xtraordinary G entlem en. Vol. 1. La Jolla: Vertigo, 2000. Print. Morrell, Jessica Page. Bullies, B astards, & B itches: H ow to Write the B a d G uys o f Fiction. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 2008. Print. “Ship in a Bottle.” Star Trek: The N ext G eneration. Writ. Renee Echevarria. Dir. Alexander Singer. 1993. Web. The G reat M ouse D etective. Writ. Peter Young et al. Dir. Ron Clements et al. Disney, 1986. VHS. The L eague o f E xtraordinary Gentlem en. Dir. Stephen Norrington. Perf Sean Connery. 20th Century Fox, 2003. DVD. Trembley, Elizabeth A. “Holmes is Where the Heart Is: The Achievement of Granada Television’s Sherlock Holmes Films.” It's a Print! D etective Fiction From P age to Screen. Ed. Reynolds and Trembley. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1994. Print.