Popular Culture Review Vol. 23, No. 1, Winter 2012 | Page 17

Arrr!!! Performing Piracy 13 their lifetime has a bit of a pirate about them. It’s just what we’re willing to do to get there” (Summers). Obviously, most of us are not willing to go to the same lengths as pirates do to support ourselves. That of course begs the question, that if people do not get financial gain from talking or dressing up like pirates, why do they do it? Obviously, we get a different kind of reward from embracing the image but not the role of piracy. Some of what we get is of course the camivalesque release accompanied by not obeying the rules and that feeling of freedom from constraints. It is fun. It also provides recognition. 01’ Chumbucket said, “As the people in Albany, Oregon mistakenly said, they mistook us for celebrities. I’m not going to pretend that doesn’t feel good. I’m a pirate after all” (Baur