Popular Culture Review Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 2010 | Page 88

84 Popular Culture Review had been lost, she says she found it in another form in the convent on Glastonbury (coexistent with Avalon) when looking at a statue of the Virgin Mary, who has assumed some of the functions of the Goddess. Other important examples of cooperation among women include Morgaine giving Gwenwhyfar a fertility charm, Igraine finding a wounded Morgaine and bringing her for treatment to the convent on Glastonbury, and Morgaine and Viviane confronting Morgause together in the climax. In a spirit that seems to pervade the film, after Gwenwhyfar has been found with Launcelot by Mordred and his followers, she goes to the convent for forgiveness and is met by Igraine and Morgaine. There Gwenwhyfar and Morgaine reconcile, and Gwenwhyfar tells Morgaine she should not have come between Arthur and his sister, and that he needs her now. She now has learned to put others’ needs before her own, and to help other women instead of being jealous of them. Although Mists appears to be much more positive in its presentation of female characters than Excalibur or Merlin, it has presented only a limited image of a positive and complex character. Clearly, Viviane is the strongest character in the film, and she is clearly more positive than Morgana in Excalibur or Queen Mab in Merlin. She is also presented as manipulative of others in order to achieve her goals and yet she is reassured by Merlin that these thi