Popular Culture Review Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 2010 | Page 38

34 Popular Culture Review Various Features to the Data Set It should be noted that several T-shirts had the same message (e.g., In Loving Memory); therefore, there was an element of repetition of messages in the study. In addition, it should be pointed out that not all T-shirts with language could be considered as data relevant to the study. For example, a T-shirt inscribed with the language of Original Gangsta [sic] might convey a negative or a positive emotional message from the individual who wears that article of clothing to readers of the message. That particular message could be considered as a commercial device to enhance the sales of a fashionable article of clothing but not a memorial message. Therefore, some forms of language seen on Tshirts are in keeping with current clothing trends or are in keeping with the larger youth and hip-hop culture where certain forms of clothing mark the wearer as a member of that subculture. In instances of this type, where choice of language is