Popular Culture Review Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 2010 | Page 10

6 Popular Culture Review last year of The Monkees’ original run. Desi Amaz, an actor, musician, and businessman, and in many ways an exceptional role model, was one of only two identifiably Latino men on television at that time. The only Asians to be seen outside of representations of Japanese war criminals, or the “Five Chinese Brothers” in the K-level cartoon of that name, were Bruce Lee as the comic book sidekick Kato in The Green Hornet, and the venerable cook Hop Sing in the western Bonanza. Not until 1969 did Miyoshi Umeki, the Oscar-winning actress, play Mrs. Livingston in The Courtship o f Eddie’s Father—and Mrs. Livingston was a maid. Native American characters, not always played by actual Native Americans, appeared in Westerns which gave no hint as to what real Native American history was. One might also mention that women were uniformly wives and mothers, and that openly gay characters were unheard of, although the occasional “camp” character appeared on a talk or game show, and that these trends mirro