Popular Culture Review Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2009 | Page 154

Popular Culture Review 150 Book Reviews: F r o m L o w b r o w to N o b ro w by Peter Swirski W illin g S u sp e n sio n o f D isb e lie f: P o e tic F a ith in F ilm Reviewed by Lisa Cheung Reviewed by Warren D. Cobb by Anthony J. Ferri M o o s e C ro ssin g : P o r tla n d to P o r tla n d o n th e T h e o d o re R o o s e v e lt In te rn a tio n a l H ig h w a y Reviewed by John Culver by Max J. Skidmore S h a k e s p e a r e a n d E liza b e th a n P o p u la r C u ltu re Reviewed by Anthony Guy Patricia Edited by Stuart Gillespie and Neil Rhodes T h e C a m b rid g e C o m p a n io n to S h a k e sp e a re a n d P o p u la r C u ltu re Reviewed by Anthony Guy Patricia Edited by Robert Shaughnessy W illia m L e Q u e u x : M a s te r o f M y ste ry Reviewed by Kenneth by Chris Patrick and Stephen Baister Payne Volume 19, Number 2 * Summer 2008 Flying and Smoking: Sensory Bodies, Identity and Pete Tait Circus Cigarette Advertisements The President as Character: The West Wing’s Josiah Elizabeth Skewes Bartlet and Commander in Chiefs Mackenzie Allen The (Not So) Good Old Days: Race and Sexuality on Becca Cragin Old-Style Talk Shows Evil in the Worlds of Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) Joseph Ceccio and Elizabeth Kostova’s The Historian (2005) The Naturalized Redneck: Performing Citizenship Matthew Ferrence Through Patriotic Submission Gaelic Green and Gaelic Grey: Irish Casinos Not William Thompson Today, Maybe Tomorrow Roswell: Communicating Fact and Fiction in Joes Skidmore Popular Culture Becoming Texas: The Fusion of Regional Identities Linda Komasky in San Angelo’s Popular Culture Book Reviews: L e n t: T he L ife a n d W o rk o f L e n i R ie fe n sta h l Reviewed by by Steven Bach Anthony J. Ferri, Ph.D. D a n c in g o n th e W h ite P a g e : B la c k W o m en Reviewed by E n te r ta in e r s W ritin g A u to b io g r a p h y Charlene Regester by Kwakiutl L. Dreher