Popular Culture Review Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2008 | Page 81

B ig L o ve : Rewriting the Modern Man 77 Johnson, Deidre, Phil Zuckerman, and Esther Green Bierbaum. “The History of Stratemeyer Books: Questions and Answers.” Rediscovering Nancy D rew. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1995. 47-51. Johnson, Deidre. “Transitions: From Nell Cody to Nancy Drew, from Bungalow Outline to Book.” Dime Novel Round-Up. 73.1 (Feb 2004) 3-15. Johnson, Deidre. “From Paragraphs to Pages: The Writing and Development of Stratemeyer Syndicate Series.” Rediscovering Nancy Drew. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1995. 29-40. Zuckerman, Phil. “Publishing the Applewood Reprints.” Rediscovering Nancy Drew. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1995. 41-46.