Popular Culture Review Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 2006 | Page 130

Popular Culture Review 126 a sacramental function one can be sure, not play, but an institution is involved.’11 Caillois also notes that missing from Huizinga’s definition of play are games of chance played for money and that a distinction need be made where the definition of play affirms or implies the absence of economic interest. Caillois classifies play into 4 types: Agon: contest of skill (chess, football, golf) Alea: games of fate/ chance and requiring luck to win (cards, roulette, dice) Mime: adopting a different identity (charade) Ilinx: contains the pursuit of vertigo or loss of consciousness (dancing, acrobatics, psychotropic drugs) type A G O N competition A L E A chance MIM ICRY sim ulation ILINX vertigo cu ltu ral forms found at the m argins o f the social order sports lotteries casinos hippodrom es pari-m u tuels m ass in stitutio nal forms in teg rated into social life econom ic com petition lim its corruption violence w ill to po w er com petitive exam inations trickery sp eculation on stock m arket su perstition astrology feng shui carnival theatre cinem a hero-w orship uniform s alienation cerem onial etiquette split personality m ountain clim b skiing tightrope walk speed professions requiring co ntrol o f vertigo alcoholism drugs roger caillois 1958 Figure 1