Popular Culture Review Vol. 16, No. 2, Summer 2005 | Page 115

Americans New McCarthyism 111 campaign targeting black churches to oppose gay rights,” he said. A member of the National Association of Black Journalists and board member of the National Black Justice Coalition, Jasmyne Cannick said it best in her ProudParenting.com article “Purchased Pulpits and Spiritual Exploitation” (February 24, 2005): Recently, a group of Black pastors under the name of the Hi Impact Coalition, held a press conference and summit in Los Angeles to announce the kick off for their “Black Contract with America on Moral Values.” Led by Bishop Harry Jackson of Washington and white Christian evangelical Reverend Lou Sheldon and his Traditional Values Coalition, the press conference and summit gave new meaning to the phrase “Sleeping with the enemy.” According to the newly formed coalition, topping the list of issues that Black Americans need to focus on is the protection of marriage. Never mind the war, access to healthcare, HTV/AJDS, education, housing and social security, the number one problem facing Black America is same-sex marriage. Standing before the press in their Sunday best and eager to get their fifteen minutes of fame and achievable share of President Bush’s Faith Based Initiative, these Black pastors seemingly allowed their pulpits to be purchased by the GOP and Lou Sheldon, who is to gay people what Strom Thurmond was to Blacks. Again likening Louis Sheldon to Strom Thurmond in her Advocate.com article “Pulpit Bullies” (March 15, 2005), Ms. Cannick had this to say about the “Black Contract with America on Moral Values” press conference: As I expected, standing before us was a group of black pastors inspired, misguided, and led by one wealthy old crone. Reverend Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition. Sheldon, who’s white, dominated the press conference with his antigay agenda and showed no support for the other causes the black pastors deemed important in the plight of AfricanAmericans, such as better access to health care and education.