Popular Culture Review Vol. 16, No. 2, Summer 2005 | Page 10

Popular Culture Review Nancy” but lauded Williams’s younger brother Dakin who was a football hero and a distinguished World War II veteran. When Williams enrolled at the University of Missouri from 1929 through 1932, he played golf, tennis, took dancing classes, and rode horses for a course labeled “Horsemanship,” primarily to evade ROTC which he loathed because of its military drills and regulations. The timid poet-playwright even had a “brief career in wrestling” as a member of Alpha Tau Omega. As Allean Hale points out: The fraternity, despairing of his ever gaining the required points for activities, forced him to enter the intramural competition as a 115-pound flyweight. With two farm boys also entering the field, he posted a sign on the bulletin board: “Williams Ultimatum: Liquor! L