Popular Culture Review Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer 2003 | Página 95

Themes in A W ed d in g S to ry 91 Charlie: I just want her to know that, you know, to me, the day we get married is probably going to be the greatest thing that can ever happen to me. You know, it’s .. .and I really am looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. Nicole: Growing old together, being together, you know, when our kids grow up, you know, those years when you can sit in the rocking chair at home and look back at everything and know that you made it together. The same is true for Amy and Keith: Keith: Things are going well, um, our relationship is growing, getting better everyday. Amy: And we just have a great chemistry together, and I know we’re gonna be, we’re gonna be great. Bertie and John, who are older than the other couples featured in the episodes we analyzed, express another version of the happily ever after theme: John: My mother said to me not too long before she died that we could find fifteen years of happiness, referring to our ages, that we would have a whole bunch of things. Bertie: I see so many relationships, especially in the later years, that have faltered and they’ve lost, well, they’ve lost that loving feeling right there. And I’m looking forward to having that. I-I’m looking forward to the rest of my life as having that loving feeling. In short, the implication of the narrative theme running through these epi sodes is that love has brought the couples a long way, and it will carry F