Popular Culture Review Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer 2002 | Page 167

Contributors 163 Dennis Russell is an associate professor in the Walter Cronkite School of Journal ism and Telecommunication at Arizona State University where he specializes in mass-mediated popular culture. Along with PCR, Russell has published in Studies in Popular Culture, The Mid-Atlantic Almanac, Southwestern Mass Communica tion Journal and Communications and the Law. Jason Stacy has taught history at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania on a grant from the Open Society Fund, as well as at Purdue and DePaul Univer sities. He is currently a history and philosophy teacher and doctoral student at Loyola University, Chicago. His research interests are in American intellectual and cultural history. Randyll K. Yoder (Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, 1998) is Director of Broadcasting and Assistant Professor of Communications at Elizabethtown Col lege. His research interests include uses and effects of television audiences through new mass communication technologies and alternative television programming.