Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 2, August 2001 | Page 103

American Bumper Stickers 99 us to understand the connection between individual owners of stickers and their floating signifiers, and quite possibly between stickers and their owners’ identity on the background of cultural change. Washington State University Phillip Vannini W orks C ited Baker, Ross (1991). “Bumper Crop.” American Demographics, January: p. 19. Baudrillard, Jean (1981). For a Critique o f the Political Economy of the Sign. Translated by Charles Levin. St. Louis: Telos. Baumeister, Roy (1986). Identity: Cultural Change and the Strugglefo r the Self New York: Oxford. Belk, Russell (1988). “Possessions and the Extended Self f Journal o f Consumer Research 15, pp.139-168. Bellah, Robert N., Madsen, Richard, Sullivan, William M., Swindler, Ann, and Tipton, Steven (1985). Habits o f the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Berkeley: University o f California Press. Bloch, Linda-Renee (2000). “Mobile Discourse: Bumper Stickers as a Communication Event in Israel.” Journal o f Communication 50, pp. 48-76. Endersby, James W. and Towle, Michael (1996). “Tailgate Partisanship: Political and Social Expression through Bumper Stickers.” The Social Science Journal, 33, pp. 307-319. Gardner, Carol (1997). Bumper Sticker Wisdom: Americas Pulpit above the Tailpipe. Hillsboro, OR: Beyond Words Publishing. Gergen, Kenneth (1991). The Saturated Self. New York: Basic Books. Heeren, John W. (1980). “Phrases do it on your Tee Shirt: Personal Graffiti in Modem Society.” California Sociologist, 3, pp. 37-44. Hewitt, John (1989). Dilemmas o f the American Self. Philadelphia: T.U. Press. Jankowski, T. B. and Strate, J. M. (1995). “Modes o f Participation o f the Adult Life Span.” Political Behavior 17, pp. 89-106. Jorgenson, Dale (1977). “Contents o f Graffiti and Bumper Stickers as Measures o f Political Behavior.” Perceptual & Motor Skills 45, p. 630. Kriznar, N. (1993). “Visual Symbols o f National Identity: Slovene Bumper Stickers and the Collective Unconscious.” Visual Sociology’ 8, pp. 58-63. Lasch, Christopher (1978). The Culture o f Narcissism: American Life in an Age o f Diminishing Expectations. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Newhagen, Jon, and Ancell, Mike (1995). “The Expression o f Emotion and Social Status in the Language o f Bumper Stickers.” Journal o f Language and Social Psychology ’ 4 p. 312-323. Stem, Aaron (1979). Me: The Narcissistic American. New York: Ballantine Books. Stem, Barbara, and Solomon, Mike (1992). “Have You Kissed Your Professor Today?: Bumper Stickers and Consumer Self-Statements.” Advances in Consumer Research 19, pp. 169-174.