Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2001 | Page 96

92 Popular Culture Review B u ff y s fr i e nd s g a th e r to try to help h e r f i nd ou t w h a ts affecting h e r Xander: You know, maybe we’re on the wrong track with the whole spell, curse, and whammy thing. Maybe what we should be looking for is something like, um. Slayer kryptonite. Oz: Faulty metaphor. Kryptonite kills. Xander: You’re assuming I meant the green kryptonite. I was referring, of course, to the red kryptonite, which drains Superman of his powers. Oz: Wrong. The gold kryptonite’s the power-sucker. The red kryptonite mutates Superman into some sort of weird . . . B uffy w orries a bou t becom ing powerless. Buffy: Or what if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the Old Slayer’s Home, talking people’s ears off about my glory days, showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed? Buffy: Before I was a Slayer, I was ...well, I, I don’t wanna say shallow, but let’s Just say a certain person, who will remain nameless, we’ll just call her Spordelia [Cordelia], looked like a classical philosopher next to me. In a m eeting b etw een Buffy a nd Angel, he d escribes the f i r s t time he saw her. Angel: It was a bright afternoon out in front of school. You walked down the steps. And I loved you. Buffy: Why? Angel: ‘Cause I could see your heart. You held it before you for everyone to see. And I worried that it would be bruised or torn. And more than anything in my life I wanted to keep it safe, to warm it with my own. Buffy: That’s beautiful . . Or taken literally, incredibly gross. Angel: I was just thinking that. L a te r when things approach a clim atic showdown: Cordelia: Oh God, Is the world ending? I have to research a paper on Bosnia for tomorrow, but if the world’s ending. I’m not going to bother. B uffy fa ce s a dem on in spite o f h e r reduced strength. Buffy: If I was at full Slayer power. I’d be punning about now. When the S la yer's pow ers-to-be, hea d ed by Quentin, reveal the trial to Buffy, they congra tulate h e r on pa ssing the rites-of-pas sage. Quentin: Congratulations again. Buffy: Bite me. Quentin: Yes, well, colorful girl. Giles reveals his p a rt in the d ece it to Buffy, bu t in the end, he disob eys his Watcher du ties a nd is f i r e d by the pow ers-to-be. Willow: Now, now when you say “fired,” you mean “fired”? Xander: You’re not cruising past that concept any time soon, are you? Willow: Well, it’s just...I mean, he’s been “fired”! He’s unemployed! He’s.. .between