Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2001 | Page 81

Myth and the Star Trek Franchise 77 Buitron-Oliver, Diana, and Beth Cohen. “Between Skylla and Penelope: Female Characters of the Odyssey in Archaic and Classical Greek Art.” in Cohen, pp. 29-58. Chesebro, James W. “Communication, Values, and Popular Television Series - A Four Year Assessment.” Television: The Critical View. Ed. Horace Newcomb. New York: Oxford UP, 1987. 16-54. Cohen, Beth, Ed. The Distaff Side: Representing the Female in Homer's Odyssey. Ed. Beth Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, 1995. Collins, Jim. Architectures o f Excess: Cultural Life in the Information Age. New York: Routledge, 1995. —. “Batman: The Movie, the Narrative, the Hyperconscious.” The Many Lives o f the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media. Ed. Roberta E. Pearson and William Uricchio. New York: Routledge; London: BFI, 1991. 164-81. Cranny-Francis, Anne. “Sexuality and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Star Trek.'' Science Fiction Studies 12.37(1985): 274-84. Doherty, Lillian Eileen. “Sirens, Muses and Female Narrators in the Odyssey." in Cohen, pp. 81-92. Dundes, Alan, ed. Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory o f Myth. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. Johnston, Linda. “The Classic Star Trek." The Best o f the Best o f Trek II. Ed. Walter Irwin and G.B. Love. New York: ROC, 1992. 65-115. Graham, A. J. “The Odyssey, History, and Women.” in Cohen, pp. 3-16. Homer. The Iliad. Trans. A. T. Murray. Vol. 1. London: Heinemann; Cambridge Mass.: Harvard UP, 1924. 2 Vols. 1924-5. Lattimore, Richmond, trans. The Odyssey o f Homer, 1965. New York: Harper Perennial, 1975. Malkin, Irad. The Returns o f Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity. Berkeley: U of California P, 1998. Neils, Jennifer. “Les Femmes Fatales: Skylla and the Sirens in Greek Art.” in Cohen, pp. 175-184. Poe, Stephen Edward. A Vision o f the Future: Star Trek Voyager. New York: Pocket Books, 1998. Pucci, Pietro. “The Songs of the Sirens.” Reading the Odyssey: Selected Interpretive Essays. Ed. Seth L. Schein. Princeton New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1996. 191-199. Rose, Peter. “Teaching Greek Myth and Contemporary Myths.” Classics and Cinema. Ed. Martin M. Winkler. Louisburg: Bucknell UP, 1991. 17-39. Segal, Charles. "Kleos and its Ironies in the Odyssey." Reading the Odyssey: Selected Interpretive Essays. Ed. Seth L. Schein. Princeton New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1996. 201- 221. Schein, Seth L. “Female Representations and Interpreting the Odyssey.” in Cohen, pp. 1727.