Popular Culture Review Vol. 11, No. 2, Summer 2000 | Page 66

Popular Culture Review 62 8. 9. K ozloff 30-31, described Johns’ fashioning o f materials further: ‘in Painted Bronze, 1960, the rim is even covered with a metallic silverpaint, in contrast to the red enamel underneath and the underlying bronze surface. It is a juxtaposition o f metal on metal, and hence o f ‘objectness’ in two forms: liquid and solid.” Earlier Sandler said o f the flag, “It showed that an image doesn’t Just represent a thing that isn’t at hand; it is something in its own right, too” (183). Johnston, citing Alan Solomon’s catalogue essay for Johns’ 1964 Jewish Museum Retrospective, 61. Works Cited Albrecht, Juerg. “Fountain’ by R. Mutt Marcel Duchamp zum 100. Geburtstag.” Pantheon 45 (1987): 160-171. Alloway, Lawrence. Topics in Modern Art Since 1945. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1975. Baudrillard, Jean. Fora Criticfue o f the Political Economy o f the Sign. Trans. Charles Levin. St. Louis, MO: Telos Press, 1981. Berger, Maurice, ed. Modern Art and Society: An Anthology o f Social and Multicultural Readings. New York: IconEditions, 1992. Bernstein, Roberta. Jasper Johns Paintings and Sculptures 1954-1974: The Changing Focus o f the Eye. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMl Research Press, 1985. Buchloch, Benjamin H.D., Serge Guilbaut and David Solkin, eds. Modernism and Modernity: The Vancouver Conference Papers. Halifax: Press o f the Nova Scotia College o f Art and Design, 1983. Crichton, Michael. Ja.sper Johns. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1977. Crow, Thomas. “Modernism and Mass Culture in the Visual Arts.” Buchloch, Guilbaut and Solkin 215-64. Feinstein, Roni. “New Thoughts for Jasper Johns’ Sculpture.” /!//.? 54. 8 (1980): 139-145. Huyssen, Andreas. “The Cultural Politics o f Pop.” Berger 252-72. Johns, Jasper. “Sketchbook Notes. "Art and Literature 4 ( 1965): 185-192. Johnston, Jill. Jasper Johns: Privileged Information. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1996. Knight, Christoper. “One for A ll.” /!/7/b/7//;/ 35 (1996): 79-85+. Kozloff, Max. Jasper Johns. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1967. Mamiya, Christin J. Pop Art and Consumer Culture American Super Market. Austin: U o f Texas P, 1992. Pacheco, Patrick. “Jasper Johns: an American Iconoclast.” Art and Antiques 19 (1996): 4855. Sandler, Irving. The New York School: The Painters and Sculptors o f the Fifties. New York: Harper & Row, 1978. Steinberg, Leo. Other Criteria: Confrontation with Twentieth-Centiny Art. London, Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 1976. Stuckey, Charles. “Johns: Hidden and Revealed.” Art in America 85 (1997): 33-35+. —. “Johns: Yet Waving? Letters to the Editor”./!/*/ in America 64.3 (1976): 5. Swenson, Gene R. “Jasper Johns’ Interview.” Art News 62.10 (1964): 40-43; 62-67. Tomkins, “Profiles.” The New Yorker