Popular Culture Review Vol. 11, No. 2, Summer 2000 | Page 130

126 Popular Culture Review Contestant # 19 “What No Color Lines Means to Me” To undertand “no color lines,” one must see what a blind man sees - nothing; he hears and feels, and thus, is able to really see each person’s heart. As a Chinese-American Student, I have been spit on and told to “go home.” I have been excluded because I am “yellow.” But we can take our first step toward eliminating such acts of racism by looking through the eyes of a blind person. This way, we can surmount the color barrier that prevents us from discovering the kindness that is within us all. Contestant #21 “What No Color Lines Means to Me” Lost, in LA, I feared the homeless black man following me. Ashamed, 1 discovered it was the trash can