Popular Culture Review Vol. 1, December 1989 | Page 60

Endnotes 1. David Meeker. Jazz in the Movies. London: Talisman Press, 1977. 2. Gary Giddins. “Clint Eastwood Shoots Us the Bird.” Esquire, Octo ber, 1988. 3. New Grove Dictionary o f Jazz. Ed. Barry Kemfield. New York: Macmil lan Press, 1988. 4. Morre and Edward Berger. Benny Carter: A Life in American Music. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1988. 5. Ibid. 6. Ibid. 7. Gilroy’s Pulitzer in drama was for The Subject Was Roses. 8. In addition to his role in Gig, Vach6 was also Richard Gere’s trumpet tutor for the film Cotton Club. 9. Charles MacPherson and Frank Morgan would have been the most likely candidates to emulate Parker. MacPherson, in fact, was used for some of the film’s background sequences. 10. Nat Hentoff, “Flight of Fancy.” American Film, September, 1988. 11. John Detro. “The Fin and the Swazi King.” Jazz Times, October, 1988. 54