Popular Culture Review Vol. 1, December 1989 | Page 26

G itlin, Todd. “Hip-Deep in Post-modernism.” The New York Times Book Review (Nov. 20,1988), 1-3. Hoban, Phoebe. “Head Trip ."N ew York (S ept 8,1986), 38-43. K ael, Pauline. “Quests for America.” New Yorker (Oct. 20,1986), 112-13. Kaplan, Jam es. “W ho Is David Byrne? W hat Is David Byrne? Does David Byrne M atter? YES.” Esquire (Jan. 1986), 80-87. Kroll, Jack. “The Eyes of Virgil Are Upon You.” Newsweek (Oct. 27,1986), 103. M cHale, Brian. Postmodernist Fiction. New York: Methuen, 1987. O ’Toole, Lawrence. “Films: B rief Encounters.” M acleans (Oct. 27,1986), 70. Stan, Adelle-M arie. “Making Sense of Rock’s Renaissance Man: Behind the Scenes with an Enigmatic 'T alking Head.’” M S (Sept. 1986), 38-40+. W yman, Bill. “Byrne’s Town.” Film Comment (Sept/O ct. 1986), 62-4. 20