PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE November 2015 Indie Designer Issue | Page 28

PMM [readers] We Love to Hear from You! Tell us what you think of your magazine, what you love, what you like and what you want to see in future issues. 11.15 #plusmodelmag inspiration + style xoxo - maddy Jana Dittrich Thank you for that great issue. fullsizebarbie This seriously made my morning! Julieta Montoya Las gorditas tambien somos msilvasphotography Awesome... I’ve lost hermosas ante los ojos de Dios q fue el q nos creo... my breasts to cancer, gained over 50 lbs due to de pronto ante los ojos del hombre no ...por q ellos treatments and my hair Is growing back after being solo se fijan en las de pocos centimetros en la bald to chemo. It’s been a struggle, and accepting panza, lo demas si tiene q ser grande...digo algunos the new me has b