PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE June 2015 Big Sexy Summer Issue | Page 33

RESULTS In the May issue of PMM, I asked... Do you prefer fashion collaborations with designers or plus size fashion bloggers/models? Here are a few of my favorite Comments... Moet F. I think bloggers are proving to be especially attentive to the needs of the consumer. They are consumers themselves, as well as professional critics, and have a great hand in the entire process, while thinking very much of the fit, function and style of the garment. Crystal W. I love it when Designers are plus size themselves because they understand that were have different shapes as plus sizes women. Michael F. Both should work together to bring out the best of plus modeling and fashon. Cathie H. I love collaborations but Target really missed the mark this time. Site crashed, product sold out in minutes, I am pissed. What is the point of having the collaboration if the products are not available for more than 30 minutes? I will no longer be a Target shopper. Michelle K. Collaborations in the plus size fashion industry will help get the word out that every body is beautiful while creating new and different ways to show that to consumers, the fashion world, and beyond. Anaelisa R. I love collaboration w/ bloggers. These are real women that give me real wardrobe inspiration! The designer collaborations lack inspiration to me. Please Take This Month’s Survey >>