PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE July 10th Anniversary Issue | Page 81

Maddy: PLUS Model Magazine featured you in our recent blog post, “13 Men Who Are Dominating The Body Positivity (& Style!) Movement”. Can you tell us about your journey to self-confidence? Benjamin: It has been quite the long road. Growing up, I didn’t have much confidence and I definitely wasn’t a “ladies man”. When I joined the Army, it gave me a great boost in how I saw myself. I felt great, like I could walk up to any supermodel and ask her on a date. It was while I was in the military that I met my ex wife. It was rocky from the start; we were together over 11 years in an on-again off-again relationship and three years of a very challenging marriage. It really took a toll on me both physically and emotionally and I saw myself gaining a lot of weight during that time. Although the marriage was very hard, the big trial came after the divorce when I vowed to lead a healthy lifestyle. I’ve spent the last three years working on myself and it wasn’t until just recently that I finally came to the point where I can say, “I don’t care what others think of me because I think I’m amazing”. Maddy: How do you feel about the term “plus-size”? Benjamin: I don’t mind it; plus size is what I am. Plus size is beautiful, whether you’re a man or woman so why wouldn’t I like it? Maddy: We follow your social media and see how dedicated you are to living a healthy lifestyle. For those struggling to stay motivated, what are some tips you can offer? Benjamin: Don’t compare yourself to anyone but you. Be able to say “I may not be