PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE January 2016 Issue | Page 61

We are so excited about your “Year of Inspiration” incentive. Can you tell me what brought you to create this campaign? I came up with the idea of creating a calendar and personal journey about two years ago. This past summer, I finally found the time to take on this major project. I’ve always wanted to create something that I could share with my audience, but I wanted it to be something of real value. I use my videos to share my experiences and help empower women and this calendar project is a more personal extension of that. What do you hope participants will experience? The most asked question from my viewers is “how can I be more confident?” so my main goal in creating this project was for it to be a stepping-stone to self-confidence for anyone participating. Each month we will dive into a new theme and spend time reflecting, growing, and, together, making our way towards self-love. Many of us struggle from low self esteem from time-to-time, can you offer any personal advice to staying positive and coming out from those dark moments? I’ve learned to focus on the things I like about myself. When I have those days where I’m just not feeling it whether it is body issues, or feeling inadequate as a woman or mother – I take time to reflect on the good stuff. These days my insecurities tend to creep up when I compare myself to other people; we all know that’s just an evil thing to do to yourself. If you ever find yourself going down that road, make a U-turn and remember that comparison is the thief of joy. You are a mom and business woman; how do you juggle a full schedule? It is difficult sometimes. Time is so precious in my life these days. I do my very best to not overschedule myself. I used to take on so many projects at once and my parenting suffered because of it. Now, I make sure to only work when the kids are at preschool, and I always