PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE February 2015 Issue | Seite 86

Name: Courtney Position: Owner & Designer Website: How would you describe the Rum + Coke woman? The Rum + Coke woman is self assured. She is in love with her body and her being. She stands out and is not shy about it. Plus size fashion has changed a lot in the past five years. What changes have you noticed and what do you hope Rum + Coke will contribute to the industry? I am elated when I see Denise Bidot on the runway or, most recently, Tess Munster signing with a major modeling company. I hope to see many more plus size women in major campaigns. A lot of the changes in plus size fashion stems from women voicing that they want fashionable clothing options. While, it is commendable that large brands are creating plus size lines and offering more plus size options, many of these options attempt to cover up women’s bodies, unless its a swimsuit (i.e. large billowing shirts, sweatpants, muted colors and patterns). Rum + Coke encourages women to celebrate their bodies. Rum + Coke says, “Not only are plus size women fashionable but they’re also beautiful.” What is your advice to budding designers hoping to go into business one day? To the budding designer I would say, never give up, take risks, focus and be yourself.