PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE December 2015 Holiday issue | страница 32

reah’s letter with executive fashion director reah norman What an amazing whirlwind year this has been! It is hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close, but as the saying goes, “time flies when you are having fun”, and this year has been exciting, audacious, and most of all progressive for plus size fashion, the industry, and its influencers. The politics of our industry have set the tone for an impenitent attitude and our important conversations have been brought to the forefront of mainstream media, giving us a platform to continue to create greater change. It is definitely an exciting time for plus size fashion, and I look forward to another bold, confident and, unapologetic year ahead! The holiday season and the end of year is not only a time to share in celebration with loved ones, but also to reflect on our past year of experiences, growth, change and look ahead to a new year with fresh hope and drive. Where we have come from is just as important as where we are going, and I am excited about the journey! Cheers to a beautiful 2016! xo