PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE April 2015 Bridal Issue | Page 112

You opened up to me about your recovery from an eating disorder. Why are you deciding to come out about that and what is your message? When I first got signed I was hesitant about coming out about it. You often hear about the struggle straight size models face to stay slim, and because eating disorders are a massive problem in the modeling world, I thought it would place me in a negative light and be detrimental to my career. I decided to be open about it because the more I started modeling the more I realized it was a form of therapy. Telling someone with an eating disorder to stand in their underwear to get pictures taken of them is torture! But I wanted this so badly that it literally became a ‘sink or swim’ situation. I had to ask myself if I’d ever think I was thin enough to do this, and even at my thinnest I thought I was huge! I had to just take the plunge, otherwise I’d be waiting to be thin enough my whole life! When I actually started to love the photos, my dysmorphia was really challenged! Having gone through therapy already I realized that for me this wakeup call was just what I needed. People are booking me and paying me to be beautiful just as I am! Now I’m not saying everyone with an eating disorder should start modeling, because of course it could be extremely detrimental as it’s such a competitive industry. I think for me at this time in my life, having had professional therapy already I was ready to just accept myself. If I can stand there in my underwear with scars and flaws I’m being honest about who I am, and the eating disorder is part of that. I don’t want to have to hide anything about myself, not only aesthetically but also personally. I don’t need negative people or thoughts in my life anymore. I am not changing for anyone. Rose is represented by Hughes Models