PERREAULT Magazine JAN | FEB 2017 | Page 2



Three years ago, at the midnight of December 31st, 2014, our Magazine was officially launched! It proliferated to become what it is today, an entirely cause-driven publication, with a readership located in more than 68 countries.

It has been a grand journey and we are honored to have created a vehicle, delivering empowering and inspiring content. We have introduced you to leaders, activists, advocates and world citizens who have devoted their lives in ameliorating peoples’ circumstances and to find solutions.

When I look back at what inspired me to create a global, educational, and cause-driven publication, I think of two catalysts:

Giving the tools for people to engage and seek social change,

Giving HOPE.

The main concept was to provide a platform where readers could be informed and inspired about world issues and exigencies, to endow our readers with the essential knowledge and tools to actively engage and to realize the importance of their succour, their signature, and their voice, as well as my sheer fascination with technology and the digital world were also the stimulants.

Having a ‘digital’ magazine meant that we could provide directly from within the magazine’s pages:

. The tools to educate

. Pledge to a cause

. Sign petitions

. Participation

. Assistance to change the world