PECM Issue 23 2016 | Page 56

Brand Engineering: Your brand is your everything. In a noisy complex world, we need clarity more than ever. With ever shorter attention spans, your business needs to cut through with a succinct, compelling, and unique brand promise: a simple statement of what your brand stands for. Applying lean principles to branding we deliver real commercial value that pervades the organisation from the inside out. your brand. Everyone involved needs to understand what your brand stands for and what it means to their role. Your brand will bring your people together and help build belief right through the organisation. Engaged employees can often mean the difference between success and failure. STARTING WITH THE RIGHT REASONS LET’S BE CLEAR Branding can have a significant impact on your people, sales, growth and business performance. B2B branding in the engineering space is no different from any other when it comes to communicating effectively. The traditional definition of a brand is a name, sign, or symbol used to identify products or services of the seller(s) and to differentiate them from goods of competitors. It’s clearly not enough anymore to operate with this narrow viewpoint. Your brand is your everything, from your people, products, place of work, your culture through to your tone of voice. All have a cumulative effect on how your customers perceive and experience your brand. It is through these touch points that they build a relationship with you rather just conduct a transaction. BRANDS ARE BUILT FROM THE INSIDE OUT Brands are built on relationships and trust: between your leaders and your people, and between your people, your customers and partners. Your people are 56 PECM Issue 23 Starting a branding project includes finding the right reason, commitment, and strategy; analysing brand equity; and uncovering insights and opportunities. Fundamentally, there are two reasons a business needs branding. Either a new product or company has been created or there is a desire to change an existing brand to better reflect new business objectives (most often called a “rebrand”). There must be a solid business reason to change, or refresh, a brand and a brand idea. Without a solid business objective and brand idea, the judging of brand change becomes purely subjective. Suffice it to say, when you embark on a rebrand it is critical to ensure that you are rebranding for the right business reason, and if there is a desire to alter some visual or verbal elements, a clearly defined brand idea is essential for guiding this change. making tough decisions about the market you are in. Get this clear and your nearly there. Who is it intended for? The more specific and targeted the answer to this question, the better. What is the benefit to customers? A company should be able to articulate clearly, in a few words, the unique aspect that differentiates its product from the competition and provides a benefit to its customers. Start with the right focus: Customers One of the most important first steps in a branding project is to create a framework that identifies and compares all possible interaction points where a customer experiences the brand. Uncover insights and identify opportunities As an agency, the process of creating a new brand or a rebrand always starts with a situation analysis or brand audit. This process can uncover issues that you can exploit to your business advantage. NAMING IS CRUCIAL Follow these signposts and you won’t go wrong: Naming is increasingly an important element to a brand’s success. Ideally, a name should be the pure encapsulation of the brand idea and, along with this audacious goal, should meet other key criteria: Start with the right business strategy t#FFBTZUPQSPOPVODFJOFWFSZMBOHVBHF Good branding cannot save a poor product or business. t#FNFNPSBCMF CFJOHCSJFGBMTPIFMQT What are we selling? In a very practical sense, selling involves t)FMQQFPQMFVOEFSTUBOEXIBUUIF business or product is about