PECM Issue 21 2016 | Page 20

AD & Biogas Show +HDY\'XW\&KRSSHU3XPSV 0L[HUVDQG9DOYHV )RUWKH7RXJKHVWRI$SSOLFDWLRQV á+HDY\GXW\FKRSSHUSXPSVZLWKWKHDELOLW\WRKDQGOH+,*+(5 62/,'6&21&(175$7(6WKDQVWDQGDUGSXPSV á$UDQJHRI68%0(56,%/(+25,=217$/0,;(56GHVLJQHGDQG FRQVWUXFWHGWRJXDUDQWHH'85$%,/,7<DQG()),&,(1&<HYHQLQ WKHPRVWH[WUHPHXWLOLVDWLRQFRQGLWLRQV á$YDVWVHOHFWLRQRI.1,)(*$7(9$/9(6IRU3,3(/,1( ,62/$7,21DQGGHVLJQHGIRUPHGLDVZLWK6863(1'('62/,'6 VXFKDV:$67(:$7(5DQG6/8'*( 9LVL WX $' VDWWK VKR %LRJD H ZRQ V V / WDQG  Innovative technology for the renewable energy sector Nutromex® Biopack boosts Anaerobic Digester performance and stability OMEX Environmental Ltd. are introducing their new powder additive for the anaerobic digestion and biogas market, Nutromex® Biopack. Nutromex® Biopack is a unique mix of bioavailable trace elements and specially selected bacteria which is used to supplement the existing microbial populations in Anaerobic Digesters and Biogas plants. This addition improves overall plant functionality, leading to optimum performance. Nutromex® Biopack has an advantage over current products in the market due to its’ easy application. It is a water soluble powder available in 250g biodegradable bags which are administered directly into the feeder on a daily basis. Each individual digester needs essential metals to create the perfect balance for micr obial populations to thrive and break down feedstock effectively and its’ performance and cost effectiveness is highly dependent on the microbe strains present. Nutromex® Biopack provides both bacteria and trace elements in one hit. Available in 10kg plastic pails containing 40 x 250g bags, Nutromex® Biopack can be used in anaerobic plants for a variety of substrates from grass silage to food waste and is currently proving to be very successful in trials on several farms throughout the UK. ZZZWWSXPSVFRP 7HO   For more information please contact us on +44 (0)1553 770092 or visit us at There is an easier way to detect oil in your food. METPOINT OCV measures remaining oil vapour content down to 0.001 mg/m3 which is better than ISO8573-1 Class 1. Monitor and control the risk of contamination of your compressed air supply. BEKO Technologies, 2 West Court, Buntsford Park Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs, B60 3DX, Fax: 01527 575779 email: [email protected] website: BA0159 20 PECM Issue 21