PECM Issue 16 2015 | Page 83

Fluid Handling Specialists in Stainless Steel Tubular products • AD & Biogas • Dairy • Food • Brewing • Pharmaceutical • Water Treatment & Wastewater +XEHUKLJKSUHFLVLRQ OLTXLGWKHUPRUHJXODWLRQ IURPR&WRR&  /DEWH[KDYH\HDUV H[SHULHQFHRIVDOHVDQG VHUYLFLQJWKH+XEHUUDQJH  :HRIIHULPPHUVLRQ SUREHVEDWKFLUFXODWRUV ODERUDWRU\WKHUPRVWDWV KHDWLQJFLUFXODWRUEDWKV UHIULJHUDWHGFLUFXODWRUEDWKV 81,67$7K\GUDXOLFDOO\ VHDOHGFLUFXODWRUVDQG FKLOOHUV0RUHWKDQ PRGHOVZLWKFRROLQJDQG KHDWLQJFDSDFLWLHVIURP :DWWVXSWRN:DOORZ VFDOHXSIURPUHVHDUFK WRSURGXFWLRQ)LQGRXW PRUHDERXWRXUEHVWVHOOHUV PLQLVWDWŠXQLVWDWŠPLQLFKLOOHUŠ XQLFKLOOHUŠDQGURWDFRROŠZKLFKGH¿QHWKHVWDQGDUGV RIWHPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROWHFKQRORJ\ )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVFRQWDFW/DEWH[RQ RUYLVLWZZZODEWH[FRXNWRVHHWKHUDQJH Safe Connections Cam and groove couplings are popular fittings for quick connection of hose assemblies. In recent years, there has been a market trend towards ever worsening qualities. Elaflex is confronting this by presenting a quality product line from their own production. Guaranteed to EN 14420-7 standard, reliable and operationally safe. Samples of these new cam and groove couplings ‘Made by Elaflex’ with ergonomically designed levers will be shown in sizes DN 25, 32 und 50 mm. PPMA Show 2015, Hall 5, Stand G110 Tel.: +44 1992 45 29 50 Email: Aquaflow, a division of T-T Pumps Ltd, introduces their range of new liquid turbine flow meters. Acuflux is designed with reliability, durability and practicality in mind to incorporate the required features of a flow meter with man Vf7GW&