PECM Issue 16 2015 | Page 19

Editors Choice &UHDWHDFOHDQHU KHDOWKLHUZRUNHQYLURQPHQW ZLWKRXUEHQFKWRSH[WUDFWLRQDQGILOWUDWLRQ SURGXFWV :HDUHGHGLFDWHGWRSURYLGLQJ UHOLDEOHKLJKTXDOLW\DQGFRVW HIIHFWLYHIXPH GXVWH[WUDFWLRQ HTXLSPHQW$OORXUSURGXFWVDUH GHVLJQHGWRHQVXUHWKDW\RXFDQ RSHUDWHLQDFOHDQHU KHDOWKLHUZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQW 1stWebbing find bespoke technical textile solutions in all areas of industry. We supply high quality webbings in any size and colour in Polyprop, Cotton, Polyester Nylon, Carbon. $OORIRXUDLUILOWUDWLRQDQGIXPH H[WUDFWLRQSURGXFWVFRPHZLWKD OLIHWLPHJXDUDQWHH6KRXOG\RX KDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVRXUFXVWRPHU VHUYLFHWHDPDUHRQKDQGWRKHOS ZLWKDQ\WHFKQLFDOTXHULHV We are specialist suppliers of Spacer Fabric with 650 different grades in the data base. Uses vary from medical to filtration. The many years of experience in this field have lead 1stWebbing to develop a whole range of additional products involving textiles and have had particular success with a range of bespoke logistics products currently in use with mainstream retailers. :HWDNHJUHDWFDUHLQWKHGHVLJQDQG PDQXIDFWXUHRIKLJKTXDOLW\UREXVWDQG UHOLDEOHHTXLSPHQW:HSURYLGHDOLIHWLPH Insulation Technology: Insulated covers are developed with the customer to protect items which need to be protected in pristine condition whilst outside of the refrigerated area. This cover can help solve the problems created by shortage of chiller space during daily deliveries. JXDUDQWHHIRUDOO%HQFK9HQW PDQXIDFWXUHGSURGXFWV Its insulating properties maintain chill products at the correct temperature for many hours whilst outside the chill room. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOOXVRQ RUJRWRZZZEHQFKYHQWFRP Please contact 01763 245 721 for more details or email [email protected] CROMWELL VMI – The Solution for You ® Discover a better way to manage your inventory - and reduce costs with a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) solution from Cromwell INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM™ 30% TYPICAL SA VINGS! Talk to us about how we can help you with... Designed to give visibility and control of stores inventory, with management reporting, user accountability and budgetary controls.  Increased Productivity  Reduced Waste  Product Compliance  Batch Traceability  Reduced Inventory  Budgetary Control Managed Stock Fully Managed Store IMS - ticks ALL the boxes! IMS    > > > > > > > > Budgetary Control User Accountability Approvals & Endorsement No Hoarding Less Waste Reduction in Usage Management Reporting Automated Reordering Audit Trails £         Vending Solutions Integrated Supply Contact Central Support 0116 257 2365 Quote Ref: V-PE2 One of Europe’s leading companies in industrial supplies, Cromwell are specialists in setting up and running Vendor Managed Inventory programmes (VMI) – and we can tailor a solution to match the precise needs of your operation. From the most basic of manually operated store cupboard systems to the most sophisticated and computerised modular vending systems, VMI has been proven to work for organisations of all shapes and sizes. VMI delivers genuine savings and ensures 24 hour availability of vital tools and components. Security and accountability are both enhanced by VMI and it also reduces waste with no more hoarding of stock or time lost waiting for stock to be replenished. The ability to support a VMI programme requires control over a vast supply chain to support product availability. With over 600 key suppliers and 22,000 in total across 14 industrial product groups, Cromwell has the ability to deliver everything you need. Issue 16 PECM 19