PECM Issue 16 2015 | Página 121

News & Events 7HFKQLFDO7UDLQLQJ6ROXWLRQV 3URYLGLQJ3UDFWLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ6NLOOV 7UDLQLQJ)RU,QGXVWU\ ,QWURGXFLQJ&RQWRXU3ODVPD3URILOLQJZLWK ,QILQLW\6NHZ+HDG7HFKQRORJ\ &RQWDFWXVIRU\RXUFRS\RIRXUODWHVWEURFKXUH %URZQ0F)DUODQHLVRQHRIWKHZRUOGµ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hepherd Hydraulics and Pneumatics Ltd, established back in 1983 is now one of the market leaders within the Hydraulics and Pneumatic Industry. S hepherd Hydraulics provides solutions and products to an extensive and impressive client base including Rolls Royce, Bombardier and National Grid. Shepherd Hydraulics and Pneumatics has a deserved reputation for providing customers with efficient technical and economic solutions to their hydraulic and pneumatic requirements. Whether it is high quality off-theshelf parts or bespoke design and manufacture, over the counter hose assembly or mobile on site repair and 14001 and OHSAS18001 accreditations which in turn has led to them being awarded a number of exclusive distributorship agreements from some of the biggest international suppliers, including Festo, Roquet and Aeroquip. maintenance, our expert staff are here to assist and provide complete hydraulic and pneumatic solutions. Striving to exceed the expectations of customers, rather than just meeting their requirements, is consistent with Shepherds objective to be a leader in their field. They also recognise that customer expectations are always increasing and continuous improvement is therefore essential. Shepherd Hydraulics and Pneumatics Ltd have achieved ISO9001, ISO If you want the VERY BEST in hydraulics and pneumatics THINK Shepherd Hydraulics and Pneumatics Ltd. Issue 16 PECM 121