Peace & Stability Journal Volume 5, Issue 3 | Page 16

In March 2015, the PKSOI Director COL Dan Pinnell hosted the NATO TEPSO meeting in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Supported by a small team, one week representatives of 17 NATO and Partnership of Peace Programme members developed training modules on tasks for NATO military support to Peace Support Operations. COL Pinnell took the opportunity to update the participants on PKSOI mid-and long-term projects, the U.S. Army Doctrine 2015, current updates on Stability Operations and U.S. doctrine efforts on Peace Operations. He also introduced the Regionally Aligned Forces Concept and discussed the U.S. way ahead on training and education in the aftermath of Afghanistan. Col Mark Haseman and Col Jurgen Prandtner briefed on the draft of the NATO “Protection of Civilians (POC) framework”; it serves as the conceptual foundation for the training modules on POC. 14