Peace & Stability Journal Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4 | Page 6

between criminal and ideological insurgent groups has led to ineffective mitigation efforts . Countering transnational criminal threats is different from neutralizing a terrorist network or ideological insurgency . The working group examined an existing terrorist / insurgent network using several analytic models to identify the key elements defining the network as an ideological or terrorist insurgency . The deliverables were an analytic model with indicators for differentiating transnational organized criminal and terrorist / insurgent networks , which can be incorporated into a software platform for integration into training modules . A subsequent WG objective was to establish a set of principles for countering / mitigating transnational organized threats .
WG4 : Organizing the Generating Function of Security Force Assistance Institutions : Security and Justice , and the implications for Governance , Social , and Economic Institutions was sponsored by the Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance ( JCISFA ). Lessons have shown that isolated U . S . train and equip approaches in partner nation ( PN ) operating forces have no parallel development in the PN security institutions negatively affect longer-term sustainability . The group explored factors and considered the doctrinal , training , and education needs the joint force requires to organize a generating function within a PN security force as part of Security Force Assistance ( SFA ). Deliverables will include an outline of recommendations and force development strategies for integration within doctrine , training , and education . The recommendations and force development strategies will serve to inform Security Force Assistance concept development and DOTM- LPF-P solutions as part of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff ’ s ( CJCS ) Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System ( JCIDS ) and joint force development ( JFD ) process .
WG5 : Develop a common curriculum to improve interagency planning and collaboration in the area of Stability Operations , with an emphasis on design , level of planning ( strategic / operational ), ownership , delivery and assessment was co-sponsored by PKSOI and the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations ( CSO ), Department of State . CSO ). Whole-of-government solutions to current and future challenges are essential , yet a common educational and training methodology to developing and implementing whole-of-government approaches to stability operations does not exist . The group analyzed and assessed previous curricula , the availability and adequacy of relevant case studies , and effective measures for integrating interagency best practices into education and training . Deliverables included :
• Summary of the discussion
• Current best practices and gaps for interagency education
• Elements of a core curriculum and delivery recommendations
• Proposed way ahead with stakeholder leads
WG6 : Pilot Sections of a New Civ-Mil Relations Course was sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace ( USIP ). A previous working group convened at the 2015 PSOTEW was designed to develop the central themes for a new Civ-Mil Relations Course to meet the needs and challenges identified by policy , strategy experts , and practitioners that are not being addressed in other courses . Based on those efforts , USIP designed the course and piloted it during the workshop . Deliverables are a revision of the course content based on group participation with the first course scheduled to be taught in 2016 .
Just three of the 15 displays that were set-up at the Market Place event