PEA/This Is Exeter | Page 24

ON CAMPUS . . . AND OFF An advanced biology class farms drosophila (fruit flies) for a Stanford University project seeking to cure diabetes. The “StanEx” partnership, and affiliated internship, is just one way to turn classroom learning into an off-campus adventure. You can also work alongside U.S. congressional members in Washington, DC; work with special-needs individuals at a community residence in Ireland; learn the farms and fields of rural Vermont’s Mountain School; score a summer job at a New York fashion house; or conduct fieldwork at an Italian archaeological site. Brain of a fruit fly larva “ I think of it like a full plate of food . . . Exeter gives you all these amazing things and sometimes they give you a second serving you weren’t planning for. And I don’t think that is a bad thing. It opens you to new things; it opens you to going outside your comfort zone . . . to doing things you wouldn’t have done before. Exeter challenges you.” ALE