Parent Survival Guide Parent Survival Guide Issue 02 (Spring) | Page 12

he Legal department of Parent Survival Guide aims to help alienated parents navigate the convoluted and often treacherous landscape of the Family Court system.

How do we secure shrewd representation? Prove our parentage, and our fit to parent? Demonstrate parental alienation? Advocate for our rights and the rights of our children? Enforce court orders?

And how do we do all that while shielding our children from the harsh light that the courts can cast over their childhoods?

In this article, we bring you some answers to one of the most frequently raised concerns: As alienated and often undermined parents, do have any leverage in enforcing parenting time?


Enforcing Parenting Time

Photo credit: AntonioGuillem

Litigating parental alienation cases often gets tougher the older the children get. One of the difficult situations faced by judges across the country is when adolescents refuse to follow court orders about parenting time. Judges wring their hands, lecture the lawyers from the bench and generally lament that they cannot “force” a teenager to abide by the court ordered parenting time.

This is a myth.

by Ashish Joshi


Do we have any leverage in enforcing court-ordered parenting time?

12 spring 2017 PSG