Paleo Magazine Express May 2015 | Page 15

Liz N ie wic rz ki the rest of humanity, here is my take on how the yoga path can help you create the best version of yourself and share that self with the world. no Competition In a yoga class, you are taught to respect your body and your energy. If you are feeling crummy that day, take care of yourself and respect what your body is telling you. If you are feeling energized, take your practice to the edge, but always check your ego at the door and respect your limitations. Yoga is never about being better than anyone— it’s about doing your best and letting go of any attachment to outcome. ^ Self-Inquiry As with all things you love, you need balance. When you only work on your craft and don’t strengthen yourself in other areas, you can get burnt out. Yoga allows you to not only stretch and strengthen your body; it allows you to slow down enough to see your strengths and weaknesses. Your yoga practice will be your greatest place for self-inquiry not only on the mat, but also off the mat and in the world. ^ ^ focused intentions Every pose in a yoga class has a purpose. Some are meant to prep you for what comes next, while others are there to counter what you just did. Life does not wait for anyone. Time goes on, and it’s important to have a focus for yourself and where you want to end up. When you look back on your life, what is the legacy you want to leave? Every class I teach, I have my students think of an intention for their day, week, month or life. I ask them to let this be the thing they bring their mind back to each time they notice their mind wandering. This focused intention helps one to keep their mind on what matters and let go of the rest of the mindless chatter. be of service The path of yoga means union— literally, “oneness with the Divine.” So if we are all one, then we should be of service to each other. Great leaders, teammates, friends and lovers support and help one another in order to help to make each other’s lives easier. Yoga is about community and helping each other out, forgiving each other’s failures, and being able to relate to another person’s setbacks while also being of service to them in their time of need, knowing they will do the same for you. Life is all about the exchange of energy, and yoga helps us all to relate and communicate with one another more effectively. ^ self-love A great yoga teacher will help their students love who and where they are on their journey. Life is about love, and when we are negative toward others or ourselves, life will be challenging. When we find ourselves talking negatively to ourselves, it’s important to switch our thoughts to something uplifting. A mantra or affirmation is a phrase that is repeated in order to give you that miraculous shift in perception. Perception ^ Subscribe at: is simply your state of mind reflected outward, and a mantra can help you shift your perception from fear or judgment to love when used consistently. You will find that this act of perceptual shifting will drastically change your energy and, remarkably, everyone you attract to you, as well. ^ breath control The best and quickest way to release stress, nervousness or anxiety is through breath concentration. Breathing exercises can be used at any time to shift your state of energy and mind. Simply STOP what you are doing and focus on your in-breath and out-breath; when the mind wanders, bring your thoughts back to your breath and watch as your mind and body begin to soften and the stresses begin to fall away. letting go One of the most important aspects of yoga is non-attachment. Yes, you should love your life and the things in your life, but you also need to have a sense of not being controlled by anything, and to not lose yourself when something goes away. Set intentions for a successful life, show up and work hard, but let go of the outcome and trust that the Universe will provide for you. Having the need to control everyone or everything will only cause you suffering. Let go of negativity, fear and control, and learn to let life flow while you stay in the present moment. ^ visualize Much of your success in your sport or career has to do with believing in yourself and in your mission. When you enter a yoga class, we will often have you visualize something that gives you strength and power; this will help you cultivate the strength and power that already lies within. Once you have cultivated the strength and energy needed to make something happen—it simply just happens. It’s like the phrase: “Success is opportunity meeting preparation.” ^ ^ concentration We all know the mind is BUSY. If we do not develop the ability to concentrate our mind, we will be at the whim of every rampant thought. Success comes from focus, preparation and action. Our number-one goal should be to reel in the mind over and over again, bringing it back to the present moment, what it is we desire for our life, and remain focused on that intention. ^ bliss Our true purpose on this planet is to be happy. Life is now, not in the goal you’re trying to reach. If you’re so focused on the goal and not alive in this moment, giving the world your best you, then you’re doing it wrong. Our love and peace comes in the simple things: a child’s laugh, a walk on the beach, a sunset or moments with family and friends. That’s it. Let’s not over-complicate it. Follow the yogi’s path to enlightenment and watch yourself fall in love with your life and enjoy true happiness. May 2015 eNewsletter 15