PaintballX3 Magazine Special Paintball Extravaganza Edition | Página 95

95 our electrically initiated Smoke Grenades! This system will give event producers and clever tacticians the ability to remotely detonate multiple smoke grenades at long distances! In other words, complete control over the battlefield. The Tactical Smoke Grenade is our best selling product. We have made the current refined design for several years and it continues to set the bar in reliability, safety, and performance in the recreational smoke grenade market. What makes this product so successful is the sheer volume of smoke that it produces time and time again. No other grenade on the market has matched the TSG in performance and reliability at a reasonable price. Following close behind the TSG is our Battlefield Smoke Grenade which takes “performance” to a whole new level. The BFG puts out an incredible 70,000 cubic feet of smoke in only 2-3 minutes making it the largest smoke grenade ever available to the paintball market. What are your goals for 2014 and beyond? It has always been our goal to provide the highest in performance and quality in our market. We strive to maintain the high standards we have set for ourselves and look forward to continually innovating and introducing new products that interest our customers. Anything new in the works that you can tell us about? We are developing a wireless firing system for WWW.PAINTBALLX3.COM