PaintballX3 Magazine 2013 Oklahoma D-Day Special Edition | страница 39

Tuesday, The battle of kirsk As German heavy weapons set up and troops move into the road block to repel the first advance the tanks start to roll down the causeway. They began closing in and long balls started flying. The Tanks made it to the road block with less than half of the allies behind them as they started, with only one soul making it to the road block to clear it. We were able to take out both tanks, sending them back to the top to grab more allies. Then came round 2… Feeling great from the first wave of attack, we were able to repel the second wave as well. Utah is holding, for now…The 3rd Wave came rushing in and pushed us out. The allies took the trenches with force and held it for the rest of the game. The game end with a heavy Allied victory! Good game guys! 39