PaintballX3 Magazine 2013 Oklahoma D-Day Special Edition | Page 164

OKLAHOMA D-DAY, SPECIAL EDITION 2013 The call did not weigh easy on anyone. Knowing that it could very well still be anyone’s game, every paintball soldier picked up their gear and headed for camp. Time to dry off and celebrate a day of hard play. In one way or another every unit from each of the armies felt victory had been achieved. They knew that no matter what the outcome, their unit had achieved a new perspective on the D-Day game and had done more as a unit than they had ever done before. No Matter who won, it had been one of the most intense, hard fought, down to the wire, games to date. 1800 Points tallied, Props recovered, all of the players back at came and resting, it was time to find out. Who had won… Every point this year had been down to the wire. Every Audible call made the difference. But who had pulled out on top as the victor? 164 paintbal