PaintballX3 Magazine 2013 Oklahoma D-Day Special Edition | Page 153

saturday, main game All three beaches were under heavy fire. The Germans Came prepared this year with a Every unit was in place and you could see the solid defense on the beaches. itch. 0930 GAME ON!!!! Allied forces had finally established a foot The paint started flying. German units opened hold on the beaches Forces began moving infire on the beaches. Wave after wave was land as quickly as they could. Omaha Beach shot down as they advanced on the beaches. was still under heavy fire and the infantry Behind enemy line American airborn units was advancing but it was slow. Utah beach moved into place to advance on areas noted had finally fallen enough that Allied forces in the morning recon. Meanwhile German could move into the trenches, but they still Airborne and Special Forces units moved didn’t have the towers. Over at Sword beach to intersect and counter attack allied forces. it was much of the same, heavy fire and slow Fortunately, while moving quickly, the 82 advance. The Germans had locked down airborne were able to secure the top floor of the beaches. Between north and south things the colleville church. With the beacon lit the were a little different, it seemed like the British 238th engineers could build a bridge that and American Airborne were making solid would allow the 1st Infantry division to move ground on their assault at Pegasus Bridge. up south road. However, it helped very little. 0900 153