PaintballX3 Magazine 2013 Oklahoma D-Day Special Edition | Page 100

OKLAHOMA D-DAY, SPECIAL EDITION 2013 I was given command of the third attack wave on the church. We were a patched together group of several units. The first two assaults had cleared the majority of Germans. All of us made it to the outside of church safely. Crouched near the wall could feel the rain of paint splatter from the heavy fire at the second story windows. We entered the church eliminating the last few opponents. There was so much paint flying that we started taking heavy losses from friendly fire. I radioed back that we had captured the first floor of the church but the sound of the paint hitting the metal walls was deafening, rendering the radio useless. To stop the friendly fire I had to exit the church and run back to the main force to tell them we had taken the lower church. Shortly after that, the game was over. This event is one everybody looks forward too and truly one not to miss. 100