Outer Edge | страница 64

The next day we drive to ‘the lake of many colours’, which is also the site of the sacred ochre pits. We stop at a farm gate and there is an incredible view of the mountains from which we have just driven. Joey repeats the song he sang to us at Bulla Miele, with the Noongar names of the formations “kaya,kaya, Bulla Meile, Yonger Mir, Mabrunup, Toolyulbrup”. The hill of eyes, the kangaroo with the spear thrower on top, the place of the ‘special’ men, and the beautiful woman sleeping. I am struck my how much the shapes of the mountains, appear to be what they are named, particularly Toolbrunup. I can see the woman clearly, the profile of her face, her arms at her side and her rounded pregnant belly. At the ochre pits, we are welcomed into the site by Joey and we pass by Joey single file, while he sings to his ancestors, asking them to give their blessing for us to be there. We are asked to go barefoot, so that we can connect to the land. The ochre rocks here are astounding, the colours so vibrant and varied, from deepest burnished reds, mustard yellows to startling whites, and bright oranges. It is like an artists pallete, the colours swirl amongst each other, and I can see shapes, faces, footprints and animals. Joey takes us to the ‘powder room’, where the Noongars prepared for ceremony. Remarkably there is a rock with a concave bowl shape in it. Water is poured into it and mixed with the deep red ochre powder that crumbles from an earth bank, nearby forming a rich paste. Joey then paints our faces, and assigns us a spirit animal. I am waitch, old man emu. We are each taught the movements and we create a dance, our feet stomping with the red dust puffing up round our ankles. We are told to dance as if the earth came up to our waists. My awkward self-conciousnessness falls away and I become captivated by a sense of timelessness, where I feel free, playfull and awake. We can’t help but to smile. We go to a patch of flat salty sand and stand in a circle as Joey uses his digging stick to draw his homeland in a traditional mapping style, telling us the story as he goes. The concentric rings around the shapes remind me of gradients on ordnance maps, and Joey explains that he sees them as auric fields, and this makes sense. Joey now tells us that he is going to do a painting for us and I am honestly feeling less than enthusiastic about the prospect of spending the afternoon literally watching paint dry but As Joey sets up he warns us “now don’t wander off, or blink, because you might miss it” and I watch in awe as Joey paints a Carrolup Mission Art style of landscape painting in under 10 minutes. One of the group asks to buy it as soon as he is finished. Next, we have our Healing. Joey is a Mubarrn man, a ‘special’ man, and a unique healing technique has been passed on to him through his lineage. What I experience next, was undoubtedly for me, a life changing event. I have experienced numerous ‘alternative’ healings in my life, and I have mostly come away, feeling that I was somehow lacking in my sensitivities, as I just didn’t get it, and I was never able to discern, or sense that anything tangible had actually occurred. The explanation given that the “happenings” occurs in the metaphysical, or etheric realms, was never very satisfactory, and you could say that I was also a little cynical. Contrary to what many healers say about raising our vibrations, Joey tells us the opposite. “Most of us, most of you, need to lower your vibrations. Lower it, closer to the earth. Reconnect, to Boodjar, Mother Earth” I have been asked not to share the specifics of what occurred during the healing that took place in the lake. But what I can share with you is that I felt something very tangible occur. I felt my own vibration. My scepticism dissolves and I weep, without quite knowing why and I feel embraced and nurtured and somehow ‘home’ in a way I have not felt since I was a child. We drive back to camp, and our group is strangely quiet, and I know that the others are also processing what they have just experienced. That evening, Joey conducts a fire ceremony. He calls the names of his ancestors as he pounds swatches of leafy branches onto the fire. His family totem is fire, and his family, masters of fire ceremony. As sparks and smoke fill the air, we are directed to pass through the smoke and circle the fire and spiral around. There is chanting and clap sticks and the whole effect is disorientating and hypnotic and when we stop I feel as if I have just stepped out of a dream. That night I sleep deeply. The next day, after we have packed up camp, and are driving back to Denmark, I can smell the smoke on my clothes and there are traces of ochre in my skin. I reflect upon the journey I have just been on with Joey and Poornarti Aboriginal Tours. The landscape I see from the bus window is as beautiful as always, but now I feel that it’s mysteries have been revealed to me and I have a deeper understanding of the ancient symbios is the Aboriginal people have with this land. In turn I feel my own connection to the land is stronger and I gratefully feel embodied in this country in a way I have never felt before. ~ Tour Participant