Outer Edge Edition 48(clone) | Page 74

WEIRD & WONDERFUL FACTS ABOUT ROCK CLIMBING Rock Climbing actually makes you smarter. Rock climbing uses your problem-solving skills, the more you rock climb, and the more you use these skills, results in making you smarter. Paintings dated around 200 BC show Chinese men rock climbing, meaning rock climbing has been documented for thousands of years. The first artificial climbing wall was built in 1939. Rock climbing can burn anywhere from 500 to 900 calories per hour 74 One third of children who attended hospital Emergency Departments in Australia last year had injuries which were related to monkey bars or other climbing equipment. The highest mountain climbed on stilts was Mount Baden-Powell at an elevation of 2,864.8 metres by Ashrita Furman in 2011. IMAGES CREDIT: ALEX HONNOLD ED46 Goats are better rock climbers than humans they have evolutionary modified toenails that allow flexible grip, and soft inner pads (like climbing shoes for humans).