Outer Edge Edition 48(clone) | Page 40

GOOD FOOD IS FAR FROM WHAT YOU THINK… This Will Change The Way You Think About NUTRITION! It may come as a shock to you, but we really don’t know ‘food’ as well as we think… We see food everyday. It rides with you on the way to work. It waits for you on the shelves of grocery stores. It lives in your fridge and in your pantry. Food may even be in your garden. I mean, if we see food this much, you would expect to know it pretty well, right? Unfortunately we have it very wrong, and our relationship with food isn’t as tight as it would seem. Real food… GOOD food is what we had many years ago. We must go back to basics with our diet and understand certain foods have reactions with our bodies. This reaction causes us to feel and be a certain way; and it all starts in our digestive system. We are misunderstood about food and what foods are good for our health; to really understand it we need a major nutritional overhaul. We