Outer Edge Edition 48(clone) | Page 22

It’s quite easy to have a few bad experiences, and quickly close yourself off to little interactions with the local people. After spending three months in India, Danielle was completely fed up with being pushed and pulled around, grabbed, and even groped at times. She grew tired of trying not to get herself killed on the roads, or being yelled at on the street for no reason. “By the time I got to Pakistan, I was completely empty and an emotional wreck “she said. “I hadn’t realised that I was shutting out people and refusing help” she explained. It wasn’t until two young guys pulled up next to her on a busy street of Lahore and asked her if she needed some help. “I shook my head and walked away. They called after me “don’t be scared, we just wanted to help...” I felt so embarrassed of how I acted. I told myself this wasn’t the point of travelling. I told myself that travelling is about interacting with people and learning about their culture - the good and the bad. From then onwards, I took everything in my stride and had the most amazing time in Pakistan - a far better one than in India.” Danielle Murdoch’s journey spanned 27 countries, learnt about other cultures and shared hers, touching the lives of many along the way. She owes it to an early life wake up call. “My mum died quite young. It was hard for me, as she was only 16 years older than me. I thought, if I was going to get anything out of this life, I had better stop waiting for it to happen and seek it myself. “I hear of people saying they wish they could do what I do, my advice to them is to just do it - there isn’t a reason out there that should stop you. If you have children, take them with you. “If you have a job, arrange leave. If you have a mortgage, rent the house out. As my Dad said to me once “If you really want to do this, you will make it happen.” You meet so many people and have so many different experiences on a daily basis… some people Danielle is in the process of writing a book about and some experiences will be bad. Just take it day her adventures, and can be found blogging reguby day and don’t let yesterday’s bad experience larly at motomonkeyadventures.com affect the next moment of your journey”. 22