Optical Prism July 2013 | Page 28

If parents are interested in laser eye surgery for their teens , their first step is to have a free comprehensive eye exam at a LASIK MD clinic to determine candidacy for treatment . LASIK MD performs the procedure only on youths 17 and older . Parental consent is required for those under legal age . “ This holds true for all provinces ,” says Dr . Wallerstein . “ Medically , we want your eyes to mature before we perform the surgery . Under the age of 17 , chances still exist that your eyes can change physiologically and potentially affect the stability of refraction . Once you stop growing that is no longer an issue ,” he explains .
The main advantage of undergoing the procedure at a younger age is that young people can reap the benefits over a longer period of time , he says . There is also the cost savings of a one-time procedure versus a lifetime cost of glasses and contact lenses .
While laser surgery is usually very successful , the Canadian Ophthalmological Society warns there are risks Health Canada spells them out on its website .
“ Since this procedure involves cutting into the cornea , there is a greater risk of complications ,” the agency says . These complications include :
• dry eyes , which can range from mild to significant and can affect vision
• poor quality night vision due to halos and glare , which could affect your ability to drive at night
• a serious condition called corneal ectasia , which is a weakening and bulging of the cornea . Severe cases may need to be treated with a corneal transplant or implant
• a serious complication that may occur with both PRK and LASIK is corneal infection , which may result in significant loss of vision
• for anyone who plays contact sports in which they could be struck in the face , there ’ s the risk that the corneal flap , cut to enable the surgery , could dislocate
Health Canada advises people considering laser eye surgery to discuss their expectations as well as the risks and benefits of the procedure with their surgeon . •