Online MR Magazine May Edition 2016 Issue 1 | Page 9

Imagine you’re managing a company and your staff tells you that you have 8,800 customers. Then you find out that only 5,400 of them are “real.” How would you feel? • The customer base is smaller than management thinks it is • The proportion of revenue from key accounts is different than management thinks it is • The profile of industries that you service may be different than management thinks it is • Etc. How many business decisions could that affect? If the company is public, how much trouble with regulators could that cause? Investor lawsuits? How do you plan if you don’t know where you really are? In the case of one retail trade association, we discovered that most of the people who drove the original decision to join had moved to other positions. Their replacements had continued the memberships because it was grandfathered into the budget, but had no knowledge of the association or the services it offered. The association thought it had strong relationships with its clients, when in fact the relationship was almost nonexistent. The association thought it needed to refresh its service offerings to address flagging sales, when the problem was entirely different. Statistical modeling on bad data is a waste of time and money. If you are building a customer loyalty model and one-quarter or more of the data is wrong, the model isn’t going to be particularly useful. You can calculate the model and run significance tests, of course. Most statistical routines require no information about the quality of the input; they expect the person running the model to know the rules. Statistical tests based on least squares calculations (e.g., regression, commonly used in key driver analysis) are particularly vulnerable to data outliers. The bottom line is that the calculated model is likely to be wrong. Significance tests run on bad data are meaningless. The solution is on-going maintenance. Maintenance isn’t sexy, but it has to be done. Like anything else humans build (homes, for example), databases require garbage removal at regular intervals. If that doesn’t happen, the structure can begin to smell. Corporate environments are complicated in that there are multiple databases. Errors in one database can be propagated in others and then fed back later. That means corrections can be overwritten by bad data. That actually happens with unnerving frequency. Fixing problems typically requires a commitment of resources • Personnel, including a leader appointed to oversee data management • A system for reporting errors identifying/ • A mechanism to ensure that corrections are replicated immediately in all interconnected databases Ultimately, you can’t change human nature. People will enter bad information through carelessness or for some other reason. What you need to do is to make sure that when corrections are made, the data stays corrected. You also can rely on your Vo C vendor to provide annual corrections. However, that means actually reaching out to customers, not just sending them an email. About the author: Victor Crain is a market research veteran and currently a Senior Partner at Crain Associates Research LLC which is build on a guild business model. His particular strength is in combining data from multiple sources to assess market direction. Some of the recent projects that he has done includes: * Understanding customer purchasing plans and channel preferences during the holiday shopping season * Women’s attitudes retirement planning toward * Energy management corporate data centers in * Growing membership in a retail energy cooperative * Satisfaction among Federal program managers with logistics services * Assessing/forecasting growth in demand for coffee in fifteen countries You can follow his insightful tweets at