Online MR Magazine May Edition 2016 Issue 1 | Page 42

Has Mobile Market Research finally arrived? Often insight experts love to flirt with new methodologies but don’t seem to let go traditional approaches – is it feasible to sustain without embracing change especially in context of Mobile MR? Navin Williams: Flirt is quite a good way of putting it. For years we have been hearing Mobile MR is coming with little evidence of it other than the occasional flirting. However Mobile MR is now being pushed to the forefront with consumers having a full on affair with their phones 24/7. With this love affair, clients have increasingly started demanding flirtatious insight experts to look more closely at Mobile MR. Can small enterprises leverage the power of mobiles? If so what advice you will offer to companies still clinging to old methodologies? Navin Williams: One of the things that will happen with the growth of Mobile MR is the democratization of research. The impact of volumes will make Mobile MR affordable for practitioners big and small to be part of the Mobile MR pie. Then it would get increasing hard and irrelevant to hold onto old methodologies. As I like to keep repeated stating and asking “your consumers have gone mobile – has your market research?” Which 3 areas need immediate improvements in the mobile market research domain – especially in context with rapidly changing business dynamics?